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Rapid Prototyping and CNC Machining

Date:2019-03-15 Author: Times:28910

Prototype is a norm closely connect with designer, especially industry and product designer. After a new concept of idea is created and drawing is completed, it needs a prototype to validate the concept. Before push the product into the market, we need to check the structure, material, cosmetic appearance of the prototype and improve it. Some companies will also do a short run production before mass manufactring to test the market.

3D printing is getting popular in recent years, although the technology is improved a lot, because of its weaker strength, limitation of material and surface treatment, many clients would prefer to use CNC machining to make their prototypes.

CNC Machining

CNC Machining include CNC milling ,turning, drilling, tapping, bending etc.. We may use all those equipments to make the prototypes. The workpiece is mounted on the worktable of the machine, the turning mill tools cut out the superfluous material from the workpiece when doing CNC milling process. CNN turning process may be a little different, the turning tool stay unmoved, and the working table is turning.

The standard to evaluate the capability of a CNC machine shop is how they use different tools to complete the substrative job and the ability of designing the jig for some complicated geometry. Because it is making the new prototype just created by the designers, so there is no existed solution. The machinist need to consider all the feature of the part and think a blueprint to complete the manufacturing.

Generally, prototypes can be completed by one CNC machining process, some may need several step of different machining methods. After machining, the prototype manufacturer has to do the surface treatment on the parts. But if the clients could accept the knife mark on the surface. Then a CNC machined part is the final prototype. If the demand number for prototypes is high, for example: several tens. Then we need other technology to support, we will talk more.

Visit us www.lixin-imachining.com and contact us via Sea@lixin-imachining.com.
